2009年12月22日 星期二

Beijing Trip 2009

Last week, i was on my business trip to Beijing, China. A single room was booked for me. Luckily, the hotel was fully booked. So, they upgrade me to "Business" suite. Look how big it is! I am a lucky dog!!
The temperature in Beijing was extremely cold. Let say -9 or even lower. I almost put on all my colthes. After exhibition, I visited 天安門,王府井 and 北京向上看. The last place is very interesting. There is huge screen up above your head. You can see big animation in the sky (left corner in the pictures). At 王府井, they sell 烤肉串. Guess what they have? Sea horses (the right bottom corner), 蟬 & its egg...kind of scary, isn't it? Overall, i enjoyed very much in Beijing. It's a place worthy of visit.
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2 則留言:

  1. Great trip~~~ by the way, where is picture of long wall??

  2. I don't have time to visit great wall la...pity
