2010年2月26日 星期五

Car Viewing

During holiday period, we went to car viewing. HD was driving and we past by NISSAN. So, we reverted back to view TENANA.
HD and Cute Mom are driving CAMERY now and they want to choose the same category of car.
So, we spent quite a few time over there. Cuta Mom and I even tried the sports car (in blue color).
I was enjoying the free coffee and HD & Cute Mom tried to drive the car in turn.
The overall was quite satisfying, but not in a rush to change a new car.

Then, we went to BMW to locate MINI COOPER.
Cute Mom thought the MINI is fasnating and she wants to try.
Unfortunately, we did went to BMW. There is no MINI COOPER over there.
Well, this is the end of car viewing.

According to Singapore news, many people went car viewing this Chinese New Year.
Which means.....the economy is booming back...ha ha.
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