Penang laksa is well noted and i ever tried at one small hawker stall. The falvour is rather different from Singapore laksa. I like Penang laksa, but I like "KEROPOK SIRA MAS MADU" more. This long name is for Muslim snack. Per sack only costs RM3, but extremely declicous. Once you started, you just cannot help to stop. Everytime I went to Penang airport, I will buy all stocks. The stocks are always limited under 5. That's why I am so greedy to grab all of them.
In the pictures, I also bought one sunny hat (RM25) for my westlake Hangzhou vacation next month.

On my return flight, I read one interesting article at SILKWINDS in-flight magazine.
This article is regarding Hari Raya Pausa, which is coming soon. Hari Raya means Grand Day of Rejoicing. After 30 days of fasting (Ramadan), Muslim celebrate Hari Raya. Below is the summary:
Like any other festive events, Hari Raya comes with its own delicacies. Ketupat, rice cake wrapped in palm leaves, takes centre stage. It is usually eaten with Sayur Lodeh(coconut milk-based vegetable curry). Other must-have dishes are Opor Ayam (traditional chicken stew) and Rendang (spicy beef stew). Dutch-influnced pineapple tarts and salty, fried peanuts or cashews are also ever-present in the celebration.